After 30
years in jewel crafting business, Mr. Serdar KOCHISARLI has decided to give up
serial production after a long time of expertise and to follow his dreams. He
started to design his own jewellery productions in his small studio in
Sultanahmet – the Old City of Istanbul.
Any object
around him may be an inspiration source for him; a dramatic voice of a violin
or happy sings of nightingales... His hands give life to gold and he treats his
products like his babies. When you ask him about his “babies”, you can see his
eyes shine with joy and you understand that jewellery is much more than just a
profes- sion for him. He is a kind of storyteller; the only difference is that
he uses gold, silver and gems instead of words...

KOCHISARLI produces very special items for next generations and make his
“babies” live forever...
Did you
Suleiman the Magnificent, a famous Ottoman Sultan from 16th century, is
well-known as a brave, intelligent, even-handed leader but on the other hand,
he was also a very skilful jewelcrafter...
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